Our Therapy
Mind, Body and Soul
3 Part Holistic Therapy
Your spirit man is how we communicate with God. When we have wounds in our heart, it impacts our ability to experience His presence and to hear from God with confidence. Dana’s desire for you is to experience deep healing that is led and guided by His Holy Spirit so that you will walk firmly planted regardless of what storms come your way. Dana has over 5 years experience in Christian Prayer Counselling through volunteering her time in prayer counselling at Desert Streams Ministries as well as her church as she serves on the Pastoral Care Team and Altar Ministry Team currently as well. She has also completed various Prayer Counselling, Inner Healing & Deliverance courses with hundreds of hours of training and mentorship. Dana has gone through her own personal healing journey over the past several years by attending Freedom Session 3 times, 2 of which she was a group facilitator and has had extensive prayer counselling herself. Dana knows first hand how challenging it can be to walk the path of healing but she has also experienced significant freedom in her life and has a passion to help people experience the same level of freedom so they can live the life God has called them into.